Heidi and I enjoy Patpong on our last night in Bangkok.

For Peters, sakes! Not while you are drunk, I was blatantly targeted! She told me the hat made me look pretty, will bring me wealth, health, many children, good luck, keep the evil eye away, and even a rich husband. She probably even told me her Grandma made it and that is made of 100% pure silk, even fire proofed. She complimented me, caressed me gently, made me feel like the prettiest girl in the world, Gosh, she was good. I don't even wear hats! "I have heard it all, and some of this stuff is really funny.

Only if I wasn't so intoxicated, but I fell for her lines. Regardless, it is your $$$, you are in control, give them a fair price. Always, know the price of things. My best line to the sellers is, (and guidebooks warn against this kind of excitement), in my best Texas-Cheerleader act, "Look, I really want this, I LOVED IT! I love your country and this is a perfect remainder of it. This is how much I want to pay, I'm sooo tired of price talk at other shoppes, So, do we have a deal?" and finish it with a big smile. Works like a charm, I want the goods, they want $$$, why all this bargaining back and forth waste of time....Can't never understand those folks.

This hat is so ugly, but it is all good!

All in the name of supporting the local friendly folks and having a bit of fun!