DVD's and Music: CDs cost 1 USD, Dvd movies 2 USD, television 4 USD, and music downloaded to your Ipod 50 cents per album. Thai and Chinese are the best quality.

Food! "I eat everything but broccoli and gobi." The food on the streets rocks and it is a great and inexpensive way to try exotic dishes. At about 1 USD (you never pay more than 3 USD) for a plate, you can sample all you want without worries.
Chewang Beach

Fresh fruit juice and fruits. I can't stand packaged juice. This one is orange and carrot, but my favourite is kiwi with lime and salt. I really love fruits and this year I have been lucky to eat my favourites from my native home, Puerto Rico, that are unavailable to me in Houston. Kenepas in Colombia, yellow Passion Fruit in Africa, Guavas and soursops in Africa. There was tamarind but Asia's is different than home's. It is dry and it doesn't really have a strong flavour. Ours is sticky, sour-sweet, delicious! It has been awesome! I also tried custard apples and really like them. For the longest time, I thought they were little artichokes. ;- ) They were everywhere in Beijing and I never had one until India when someone bought one and shared it with me.
Chewang Beach
Embroidered or Crochet Items: especially pretty skirts, cozy wraps, oversized bags, micro bikinis...these are so difficult to find at home.
Kathmandu Valley