Overland 2 Oz is raising money for No More Landmines. http://www.landmines.org.uk/
One of the projects supported by No More Landmines is the Cope centre in Laos. http://www.copelaos.org/
During the Vietnam War, the conflict spilled over into Laos in a secret war leaving it one of the most heavily bombed countries in history. Many of these bombs and other devices did not explode at the time. So, even though the war ended in 1975, the country is still littered with a significant amount of UXO's (unexploded ordnance) which also contributes to poverty, hunger and disability on a daily basis.
At Cope victims of landmines and UXO's receive treatment and rehabilitation including the manufacture and fitting off prosthetic limbs.
At Cope victims of landmines and UXO's receive treatment and rehabilitation including the manufacture and fitting off prosthetic limbs.
Fiona and I will be visiting the Cope centre when we reach Laos and we would like to ask people to help in 2 ways. A donation to No More Landmines will go towards supporting projects like cope and also the clearance of Landmines and UXO's. You can donate any amount via our Just Giving page: www.justgiving.com/overland2oz
Alternatively, if you would like to give a more personal gift, why not donate an arm or a leg to somebody in need. An arm costs $140, a leg $50. Arms and legs can be bought on the cope website: http://www.copelaos.org/donate.html
Please mention Fiona and Rica and the Oz rally when donating so we can keep track of how many people our friends have helped. HugS!!!