Saturday, May 09, 2009

La Paz, Bolivia

La Paz, the rollercoaster city

the markets

Soup was not very common in Argentina, Uruguay, or Brazil. I missed my sopa de pollo!

San Pedro Prison propaganda, "Let the Gringos enjoy themselves!"

San Pedro Prison: from the notorious tell-all book, Marching Powder

bc of another recent scandal, we couldn't gain entry, only buy nifty souvenirs

El Mercado Negro: DVDs!

Test before buying...

City View, La Paz is one of the highest cities in the world

Micros. Love it when you are walking uphill behind these!

Easter Sunday procession

Ilampu area at night

Traditional souvenirs


view from Hotel Rosario

Easter Sunday egg exchange

This was the best dinner in La Paz, classic French food

some bootay shaking!

and boozing, Cusquena! first drink in almost 2 weeks...
