Somebody kidnap me, please! Just joking, but there were these hot young guys keeping the streets safe everywhere. I think camis and a big gun would suffice, but some even had on full battle gear, and it was so hot. Beirut was the same but they also had cool armored cars in every corner. (and then the UN was bombed, and I realized it wasn't just for my pleasure). I didn't dare take any photos.
Friday, February 15, 2008
If you are in Cartagena, EAT HERE. Actually, all over Colombia, the food was really good. They can duplicate, anything. These savoury crepes were better than anything else I have ever tasted, and I don't even like them. Silly, huh? I ate steak and salad, Chinese, English sausages, really nice breakfast foods, fresh juices; all delicious. In Latin America, 'foreign' foods are just that, but Colombia shines. Normally, it is rice, beans, plantains, and protein, but this is delicious, too. I'm PR, though! Also, nobody here orders cocktails, they serve bottles of rum.